The influence of cartoons on children

For a child, cartoons and are a window to the world. They instill certain patterns of behavior, introduce the norms of morality and ethics. Entertain during the period of rest from developing activities and training. With the help of cartoons, children learn different ways of solving problems (including life, everyday ones), learn to think about their actions, learn about the diversity of the world, the concepts of good and evil.

Developing animated series acquaint their young viewers with such important objects and phenomena of the world as fire, electricity, height, traffic, etc. The more attractive the content of such a cartoon, the more its message will attract the attention of the baby, which means it will be better remembered.

But at the same time, many studies and confirm that there is a negative impact of cartoons on the psyche of children.


Violence, which is often part of the plot, can be interpreted by the child not as a warning about the dangers of the world, but as a guide to action.

For example, such seemingly harmless cartoons as “Tom and Jerry” or “Well, wait a minute!” make adults smile, and actually broadcast the “victim-persecutor” relationship model to children, devalue the suffering of the first and exaggerate the aggression of the second.