Why Women’s Yoga?

A woman’s body is dominated by hormones – there are about 60 of them in total, and even if only one fails, this affects the entire structure. Classes affect the endocrine system and help establish the relationship between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries. When these three links work in harmony, all biochemical and hormonal processes are aligned. The benefits of yoga for women are determined by a competent approach.

If you build a yoga https://www.julianalucky.com/post/10-awesome-birthday-party-ideas-for-4-year-old in accordance with the menstrual cycle, you can alleviate the symptoms on critical days and PMS.

For example, in the luteal phase (from the moment the ovary matures to the onset of menstruation), the body is most flexible and supple. And here it is important to realize your limit – not to go too deep into the forms.

During the period of menstruation itself, it is not recommended to perform inverted asanas (positions in which the head is below the pelvis) and asanas in which the abdominal muscles are involved (Navasana, Kumbhakasana, Jathara Parivartanasana and others). However, at this time it is appropriate to perform postures to increase the mobility of the hip joints (Baddha Konasana, Malasana, Upavista Konasana and others). Marjariasana or cat-cow pose can relieve pain in the first days of the cycle.

After the end of the critical days, women’s practice does not differ from men’s – you can include any asanas in it, focus on power forms, work on the muscles of the core, and strengthen the whole body.